About Your Rhinoplasty

Whether you’ve just experienced a rhinoplasty or you’re about to do so, there are probably a number of facts that you didn’t know about your rhinoplasty procedure. While we don’t expect you to emerge from here as a plastic surgeon, it’s always helpful to know a few things.

To begin, while you would like to expect the surgery to create THE PERFECT NOSE, it would make more sense to be realistic. There are simply too many components to expect perfection, including and especially healing. The fact that secondary rhinoplasties constitute 25% of those that are done make it crucial that you’re realistic about outcomes.

Sometimes rhinoplasties are done in conjunction with other surgeries. You may also have a deviated septum or a condition producing reduced airflow. Because rhinoplasty is rarely covered by insurance, you’ll want to make certain that you know exactly what’s going to take place.

Since the first rhinoplasty was performed in India about 2,000 years ago, we have come a long way. Nowadays, you don’t need to be a celebrity to undergo a rhinoplasty. It’s not as expensive as you might expect and cosmetic plastic surgeons are now performing an average of 240,000 rhinoplasties per year.

There’s no reason to be apologetic or self-conscious anymore. Talk with your surgeon to manage expectations, follow instructions and if you wear glasses, be faithful with your RhinoShield. The upcoming fall and winter are the best times to have your rhinoplasty. Tissues heal faster in colder weather and you’ll have less time dedicated to recovery.

Plan for a year that leaves your rhinoplasty in the past and wait no longer!